Moved on to Exmouth today, to the Visitor Information Service, we said that we wanted to stay in the National Park, but we were told that they were full and the only way we would get a spot way to be at the gates at 8am. And that was it, not very helpful at all. Gerald eventually found out that there may have been a spot in a park across the road. Which we got.
So we went for a drive up to the light house, the view was magnificent. Exmouth was only established in 1967 for support for Harold E Holt US Naval Communication Station. But in WWII ships in the gulf were bombed and we saw what was left of the aircraft warning radar, it was destroyed by cyclone Vance in 1999.
Anyway while we were up at the lighthouse Gerald said there is a whale out there, which I pointed out there is a reef out there. But Him Who Knows Everything was proved right and we watch whales tail, flipper flapping and then broaching....excellent Then we booked into a caravan park just below the lighthouse and on the beach for four nights. We will do day trips to the National Park